Tuesday, April 06, 2004

ulasan film ~~ synoppsis ~~ part 1

Untuk menonton film ini kita mesti baca sejarah dulu ....film menceritakan sejarah sebenar kenapa, mengapa dan bagaimana Nabi Isa dihapuskan.

Mungkin ada yg akan mengatakan org islam tidak patut melihat film ini kerana takut terpesong akidah kita ...tetapi bagi saya film ini patut ditonton oleh semua org islam & kristin kerana dalam film ini kita akan mendapat gambaran yg sebenar betapa liciknya Padri-padri Yahudi mengunakan kuasa politik mereka untuk menghapuskan ajaran Isa.


The film opens in the Garden of Olives (Gethsemane) where Jesus has gone to pray after the Last Supper. Jesus resists Satan’s temptations. Betrayed by Judas Iscariot, Jesus arrested and taken back to within the city walls of Jerusalem where the leaders of the Pharisees confront him with accusation of blasphemy and his trail result in a condemnation to death.

Jesus is brought before Pilate, the roman Governor of Palestine, who listen to the accusation leveled at him by the Jew Pharisees. Realizing he is confronting a political conflict, Pilate defers to King Herod in the matter. Herod returns Jesus to Pilate who gives the crowed a choice between Jesus and the criminal Barabbas. The Jew pharoses, leader and people chooses to have Barabbas set free and to condemn Jesus.

Jesus is handed over to the Roman soldiers an flagellated. Unrecognizable now, he is brought back before Pilate, who presents him to the crowd as if to say “is this not enough”?. It is not. Pilate washes his hand of the entire dilemma, ordering his men to do as the Jews people wishes.

Jesus is presented with the cross and is ordered to carry it through the streets of Jerusalem all the way up to the Mount Golojotha. On Golojotha, Jesus is nailed to the cross and undergoes his last temptation ~~ the fear that he has been abandoned by “his Father”. He overcomes his fear by looks at his mom (Mary, and makes the pronouncement which on she can fully understand “it is accomplished”. He then dies: “into thy hands I commend my spirit”.


~~Palestinians love Mel Gibson's film (Aljazeera)

~~Passion-ate to see Christ film

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